Wednesday, September 30, 2015

As You Grow Older..

I'm sure we've all heard the phrase "life is short" when we were little children, and we took a brief pause to think to ourselves, and quickly disregarded the fact thinking "I've been alive for only 8 years and it feels like it's been ages!". Well, if you didn't think that way, I did, and so did the majority of other little children.

Over the course of your childhood you are definitely going to hear this quote, "life is too short", and you'll never truly understand the meaning. Few people understand it early on, and I'd like to categorize myself as one of those people. Life truly is short, you might think it isn't but as you grow older, you'll eventually get to realize that just because your first 15 years of life seemed slow, doesn't mean it really is slow.

We all go through experiences. Whether good or bad, they inevitably leave a permanent mark on us. They leave a memory, as we refer to it, that we get whenever we think of that event or thing. As you grow older, you'll grow full of memories, good and bad ones. You'll grow full of memories of old gossip you had with friends, inside jokes, good and bad days, loved ones' words, your first poo on the toilet, your first time eating using a spoon, and a lot more. These memories eventually build up your childhood, teenage years, early-adulthood, and so on until you're not much more than an old wrinkly grandpa sitting around his little grandchildren, thinking about their past.

As you grow older, you'll realize life is a lot more than just sitting around and playing with your little toy soldiers. Your responsibilities grow the older you get and eventually one day you'll be thinking back at your childhood in your mid-30s, thinking "those were the days", as your thought is shortly interrupted by "Daddy! Can we go get icecream?". It is a little sad to be thinking this way, it might be cheerful for other people, but in truth we're all going to be like that one day.

As you grow older, you'll realize it becomes less important to have more friends and more important to have real ones, and you'll understand the true meaning of friendship. Friendship is not when you go over to a friend's house and watch a movie or two then leave. Friendship is a life-long relationship where you build amazing memories with an individual. Your true friend is the one you're going to be sitting with in 30 years while you both look back at old memories and say, "life truly is short". 

Yeah, life truly is short. Whether it's your grandfather, grandmother, your mother, father, or whoever it is telling you that, just believe them. One day you'll look back at what they said and you'll completely agree, and you will say the exact same quote to your children, and they will think the exact same thought, "Life is so long! You're just old!" Little do they know.. 


  1. Time really does pass quickly, I'm already looking up college requirements online (yes im now at the age where i can say that!) Great post,I enjoyed the read :)

    1. Thank you :) And yeah I'm already looking for a college to apply to as well, I remember only last year I used to think that college is still ages away..

  2. How true this is! I can't say that I remember ever truly feeling that life is long (though I'm sure I said it once or twice), but every year it seems to get shorter and shorter. Always around New Years I say to myself, "Where did the year go?!" But 2015 was extreme this way. Half of it feels like a blur.

    I'm 18 - I've still got a lonnnng way to go, mentally, physically, and just with life in general. But I've really enjoyed my life so far, and those memories you mentioned - I hold each one dear. :)

    You're a wonderful writer, Tariq. Keep it up.

    Edge of Night
